Yo Momma Jokes Page 8
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Yo mamma's so ugly, when medusa looked at her medusa turned to stone.
- Anonymous
yo mamma's so fat she sat on a rainbow and skittles came out. - short
yo mama so poor, she bounced food stamps. - laqueen
yo mama is so stupid when she drove to the airport there was a sign that
said "airport left" so she turned around and went home - han
yo mama so big when she went to kfc they asked her wut size bucket she
wanted and she said the one on the roof - han nguyen
yo mamma is so fat, my dog bit her and died of high colesteral! - sara
Your momma is so old she was a waitress at the Last Supper. - Xiane
Yo momma so fat the animals at the zoo feed her. - ashley
Yo momma so dirty that she had to creep up on her bath water! - Sherwanna
Yo Mamma so black, even Martin Luther King made her sit on the back of
the bus - T-mac
yo momma is so nasty the reason she got fired from the sperm bank is that
she got caught drinking on the job. - Shake
Yo mamma so ugly, when the tornado was coming and the farmer yelled "Hit
the Dirt!!!", everyone punched yo mamma. - Fire_Thief
Yo Momma is so ugly, they use her face to make Gorilla cookies. - Ben
your momma is so fat when she went to the beach and got into the water
scientist classified her as a new species of whale. - Bighttman
your momma is so fat, that when she went on a scale, it reads "Infinity
and Beyond!" - Rocketboy
Yo mama's so fat when brought her dress to the cleaners the people said
"sorry we don't do curtains." - Anonymous
Yo momma so poor she waves a popsicle stick in the air and called it air
condition. - Anonymous
Yo momma so stupid that under "Education" on her job application,
she put "Hooked on Phonics." - Casey
Yo Momma so poor burglars break in her house and leave money- Casey
yo Momma sooo ugly u look like u got hit with a bag of (what the f**k)
- Anonymous
yo mamas teeth are so buttery she put Betty Crocker out of business -
Yo' Mama so fat, she went bungee jumping and took the bridge with her!
- Yo' Mama
Yo mamma is so Dumb she runs around the bed all night trying to catch
some sleep - Anonymous
Yo mamma is so stupid, she has a bumper sticker on her wheelchair that
says "I will not be pushed around." - Anonymous
Your mommas teath are so yellow her tonsils have to wear sunglasses -
yo mama so wide she was in the middle of the highway i tryed to surve
but ran out of gas - Anonymous
Yo mamma is so fat she sat on a rainbow and skittles popped out! - Linda
your mama is so fat my dog bit her and died of high cholestrol - vato
Yo Momma so fat she started singing "we are family, Mc'Donalds, Burger
king and me" - Hakam
your moms so fat we had to take her to sea world to get baptized - mel
yo mama is so fat her but cheeks look like two pigs fighting over a milk
dud - Anonymous
YOUR MOMMA IS SO POOR, I asked what's for dinner, and she opened her legs
and said LEFTOVERS!!! - MOFO
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